RAW – Veranstaltungen des Referats für Arbeit und Wirtschaft

Be your own Boss | How to start a business (in English)

Attend our information session for a brief overview of key start-up topics and support programs for starting your own business in Munich.


Learn about framework conditions, practical tips, and useful contacts in the city.


This session is an opportunity to gain orientation and ask your questions.


This session is free of charge. Please register yourself at the very bottom of this page.


The following organizations present their support services:


  • Part 1:
    Start-up advice from the City of Munich

    Munich‘s Business Startup Office
    Overview of startup formalities, choice of legal form and tax overview, business or liberal profession, company and social insurance, subsidies and financial aids.



  • Part 3:
    Start-up Coaching and workshops for founder with a migration experience
    The Social Impact Lab München
    Overview of free support programs for founders with a migration experience.



Munich’s Business Startup Office
City of Munich – Department for Labor and Economic Development

Phone: +49 89 233-21 759  talk time from 13:00 (Monday to Thursday)
E-Mail: start@muenchen.de  |  https://startup-in-munich.de


Anklicken für größere Ansicht.

Attend our information session for a brief overview of key start-up topics and support programs for starting your own business in Munich.


Learn about framework conditions, practical tips, and useful contacts in the city.


This session is an opportunity to gain orientation and ask your questions.


This session is free of charge. Please register yourself at the very bottom of this page.


The following organizations present their support services:


  • Part 1:
    Start-up advice from the City of Munich

    Munich‘s Business Startup Office
    Overview of startup formalities, choice of legal form and tax overview, business or liberal profession, company and social insurance, subsidies and financial aids.



  • Part 3:
    Start-up Coaching and workshops for founder with a migration experience
    The Social Impact Lab München
    Overview of free support programs for founders with a migration experience.



Munich’s Business Startup Office
City of Munich – Department for Labor and Economic Development

Phone: +49 89 233-21 759  talk time from 13:00 (Monday to Thursday)
E-Mail: start@muenchen.de  |  https://startup-in-munich.de





18:00 - 20:30 Uhr


Kreisverwaltungsreferat (KVR), Ground Floor: Multifunctional Room

Ruppertstr. 11

80337 München

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